For Advisors
- How can I invite clients to Flourish Crypto?
- How can an Executive turn on/off an advisor’s Crypto trading permissions for client accounts?
- If an RIA signs up for Flourish Crypto, does each advisor have the ability to offer Flourish Crypto to their clients?
- How can I download a report for all of my client accounts?
- Can clients link Flourish Cash accounts to brokerage accounts?
- How can my client change advisor visibility settings?
- How can I set up an integration through eMoney, Orion, or Tamarac?
- How to prefill application information for clients
- As an Executive, what should I do when an Advisor leaves my firm?
- What types of accounts does Flourish Cash support?
- How can I resend an invitation to a client?
- On the active clients list of the advisor portal, why is there a “—” next to my client’s name?
- What do I do if I sent an invitation to the wrong name or email address?
- As an advisor, can I set-up a Flourish account for myself?
- Inviting clients to Flourish Cash
- Do you provide training for advisors?
- Is Flourish only available through advisors?
- Whom may I invite to Flourish Cash?
- Can I call your Client Support team on our clients’ behalf?
- What do you do with client data?
- What kind of communications will you send to my clients?
- How does the firm invite advisors?
- What if I need to resend an invitation to an advisor?
- Does our firm ever take custody over our clients’ Flourish Cash accounts?
- How is Flourish Cash structured from a regulatory perspective?
- If issues arise during the KYC/AML process, do you send information to the client or to the advisor?
- What should I do when a client leaves our firm?
- Do both members of a household need to set up Flourish Cash accounts in order for them to create and fund a joint account?
- In the Advisor Portal, how can I allow another advisor to see my clients?
- I received an error message when I tried to invite clients by using the spreadsheet upload process.