Advisors can pre-fill as much or as little client information for a personal Flourish Cash application as they’d like, making it even easier for you to help your clients get started with Flourish Cash. Clients will have the opportunity to confirm or change any information that you pre-fill.
When you invite a client by selecting “Prefill application” and then selecting the desired account type, the following will take place:
- You will be routed to the Advisor Account Initiation (AAI) flow which will allow you to prefill an account application for the client.
2. Once you have entered the desired information for the client(s), you will have an opportunity to review the information for completeness and accuracy. When done, you can click on “Send to client” - this will generate an email to the client alerting them that there is a pending application for them to review. You can also save the application for later without sending the invitation to the client by clicking “Exit” and then “Finish later.”
Additional information:
- Advisors cannot prefill institutional account applications at this time. If appropriate, the advisor can be named as an Authorized Person, if they would like to assist with the setup and management of the account.
- If a personal account type is greyed out (i.e., Individual/Joint), it means that the client already has that type of account set up (or in progress).