There are two methods of inviting clients to Flourish.
Quick Invite
Through Quick Invite, you can select to invite clients and to prefill an account application for them.
1) In the Advisor Portal, click on the “Invite” page, found near the top of the screen.
2) In the space provided, enter the client’s first name, the client’s last name, and the client’s email address.
3) Add Household Partner: If you would like to invite two clients as part of a two-person household so that they can easily create a joint account together, simply click the checkbox labeled “Add Household Partner” and fill out the second partner’s information. Even if you invite a single client, the client can still easily add a household partner themselves in order to create a joint account.
4) Assign Advisors and/or Teams (optional): Click the “Advisors and teams” drop down to see the advisors and Teams that this client will be assigned to. You can add additional advisors and Teams that this client should be assigned to by selecting them from the “Advisor or team name” drop down. You can remove specific advisors or Teams from being assigned to a client by clicking the “X” icon next to its name in this section
5) Click “Continue” to move to the next step to send the invitation, or click “Reset” to clear the entered invitation information.
6) You can select one of the following:
- Invite only: If you select “Invite only” and then click “Send invite”, our system will immediately send an email invitation to the client letting them know that your firm has invited them to Flourish Cash.
Prefill application : If you select “Prefill application” the following will take place:
- You will be prompted to select the desired account type.
- You will be routed to the Advisor Account Initiation (AAI) experience, which allows you to prefill information on behalf of your client.
- You can enter as much or as little information on behalf of your client as you’d like before sending the invitation. You can also save the application for later without sending the invitation to the client.
- For more in-depth information on prefilling your client’s account application, please see here
Bulk Invite
Bulk Invite entails inviting clients by uploading a spreadsheet containing client information. This process was designed to make it easy to export client data from a CRM or database and then upload with minimal changes to invite a large group of clients at the same time.
1) In the Advisor Portal, click on the “Invite” page, found near the top of the screen.
2) Click “Bulk upload” on the ‘Bulk CSV upload and invite’ card on the right of the page
3) Click “Download the template” to download the client invitation spreadsheet template to your computer.
4) Open the file with your preferred spreadsheet editor, such as Microsoft Excel.
5) Fill out the spreadsheet by entering information for each client you’d like to invite in a separate row. There is no limit to the number of clients that you can invite at one time. There are only a few pieces of information required to invite a new person to Flourish. Below is a description of the purpose for each required field in the spreadsheet to help you as you fill it out:
- Advisor Email: the email address of the advisor who will initially view the invited clients. If you are inviting your own clients, simply use your own email. This email must match the email of an advisor with a Flourish executive or advisor account.
- Primary Household Member Email: this column determines which user will be the primary person in a household. In cases where you are only inviting a client that does not have or want to create a household with another person, this column should contain the same email address as the one entered in the "Invitee Email" column. You can also use this column to associate two members within the same household. Associating household members allows partners to easily set up a joint account and also groups the two members of the household together in reporting. It does not matter which client’s email you put into this column, as long as you enter the same email in this column for both clients in a two-person household. If you forget to link your clients together in a household while inviting them, our client support team can link them together on your behalf.
As an example of how to set up a household for 2 clients: John & Jane Doe (with email addresses and In order to add these clients as part of the same household, you would enter them into the spreadsheet with the following values: John Doe:
Jane Doe:
The order that these clients appear in the spreadsheet will not matter. You can also use Jane's email address as the "Household Primary Email Address"; it will work either way as long as both invited clients share the same email address in the "Household Primary Email Address" column. And if you forget to link your clients together in a household while inviting them, our client support team can do so on your behalf. |
- First Name: The client’s legal first name.
- Last Name: The client’s legal last name.
- Client Email: The client’s email address. We normally recommend that you use a personal email address that the client is not likely to change.
6) The remaining fields (such as date of birth, phone number, and address) are optional but can be helpful for your clients. Clients will see this information “pre-filled” as they open their account and can save them time during the application process. They will be able to update or modify any information you enter. There are a few other optional fields to note:
- Can Send Referrals: Enter "TRUE" in this column to allow your clients to refer their friends and family to you so that you can invite them to Flourish Cash as well. Enter "FALSE" if you do not wish to enable this feature for a person
7) Be sure to save the spreadsheet in .CSV format, as this is the only file format that will be accepted when you upload the file. We also recommend that you name the spreadsheet something easily identifiable; however the exact name of the file is not important.
8) Back on the “Invite” page, you can upload your completed spreadsheet in one of two ways:
- Click on the box labeled “Click or drag here to upload,” to launch your computer’s file browsing system. Select and open the .CSV file that you’d like to upload.
- From your computer’s file browser, you can click on the name of the .CSV file and then drag it into the “Click or drag here to upload” box at the center of the Invitation Center.
9) Click “Invite” and then follow the steps on the screen to upload your spreadsheet. You will receive an email in a few minutes letting you know if your invitations were sent successfully, or if there are errors you need to correct.
Errors in the spreadsheet
If there are any errors with the spreadsheet that we can automatically identify, you will receive an email letting you know how many errors were detected. If you click “Review Upload” in this notification email, you’ll be taken back to the Invite page where you will be able to download a “results.csv” file that will list whether each row in your uploaded file was successful or encountered an error. This file adds two columns to the end of your uploaded spreadsheet:
- Success: this column will read “FALSE” next to the information for any client we were unable to invite, while the column will read “TRUE” if we were able to successfully invite a client.
- Error_Message: this column will list the exact reason that we were unable to invite a client. You can read about common error messages here.
To resend the unsuccessful invites:
- Remove any clients from the spreadsheet that were successfully invited. These clients will have the value “TRUE” in the “success” column.” There is no need to re-invite these clients, as they were already successfully invited.
- Fix the errors for any rows where there is an error message.
- When done, delete the last two columns (”success” and ”error_message”), then re-save the spreadsheet in .CSV format.
- Upload the corrected spreadsheet as in “Step 8” above.
If you’re still having trouble with the invitation process, please feel free to reach out to our client support team for assistance.