The information you upload in the client invitation spreadsheet must be in the right format, while the headers must be unchanged from the template you download. While we’ll always display any relevant error messages directly with the Invitation Center, we’ve provided commentary below on some of the information the spreadsheet includes.
If you are having trouble with the upload process, please reach out to our Client Support team for assistance.
Email addresses: must follow a standard email address format (i.e.,
A user already exists under this email address: client email addresses are used as a unique identifier, and so each client must be created with a unique email address.
The advisor’s email does not exist in the system: When uploading clients, you’ll input the email address of the advisor who will initially be able to view the relevant client’s information. This email address must match the address of an advisor who already has a Flourish advisor account.
The advisor’s email address is not associated with the firm: the advisor’s email address used in the spreadsheet upload must be associated with the firm, which is done automatically when a Flourish Cash Executive creates an account for the advisor in the Executive Portal.
The “Primary Household Member Email” does not match another email in system or template: the “Primary Household Member Email” is used to join clients into two-person households, which enables clients to create joint accounts together and allows you to view household information grouped together in the Advisor Portal. You can use either client’s email address as the Primary Household Member Email. The email address must match another email address in the upload spreadsheet or another email address already in use in the system. Please note that our Client Support team can join clients into households after you’ve invited your clients if you do not wish to do this.
The primary household email is present on more than 2 lines: as discussed immediately above, the primary household email is used to connect individuals into two-person households. Households can only have two members, so the Primary Household Member Email can only be used on a maximum of 2 lines, corresponding to two members of the household.
First, Middle, and Last Name: cannot contain numbers or symbols other than hyphens and apostrophes.
Date of Birth: must be formatted in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Gender: must be either "Male" or "Female"
Citizenship: you can enter either the three-character abbreviation or the full country name. For a complete list of country names and abbreviations, click here.
Phone numbers: must be valid phone numbers. Both 10-digit US phone numbers and international numbers are supported.
State: must be the standard 2-digit abbreviation. You can find a complete list of state abbreviations here. Please note that we do not currently permit clients who are not U.S. residents.
Zip code: zip codes must be 5 digits long.