There are a number of ways to fund your Flourish Cash account:
1. Via (most popular):
- You can fund your Flourish Cash account from any of your existing checking or savings accounts via an ACH transfer
- During the account setup process, you will have the opportunity to link your bank account(s) to your Flourish Cash account. Please read this article for additional information: How can I link my bank accounts to my Flourish Cash Account?
- If you’d like to deposit additional funds after the initial setup process and after linking at least one of your external bank accounts, you can create a transfer request from the “Activity” page as outlined in this article: How can I initiate a transfer to or from my Flourish Cash account via
2. Via an ACH transfer initiated via your external institution:
- In order to initiate ACH transfers from your external institution, you will need to first go to your external institution and add a connection to your Flourish Cash account. The external institution will ask you for your Flourish Cash account and routing number in order to set up the connection, and may require you to complete a verification process. You can find instructions on the Flourish Cash side of this process by following the steps found in this article: Where can I find my Flourish Cash account and routing number details?
3. Via a wire transfer initiated via your external institution:
- You can submit a wire request to your bank or financial institution. In order to carry out your wire transfer request, your financial institution will ask you for your Flourish Cash account wire transfer instructions. You can find these instructions by following the steps found in this article: Where can I find my Flourish Cash account and routing number details?