This FAQ applies to Flourish Cash. You can review Flourish Crypto FAQs here.
You can transfer funds between your Individual and Joint Flourish Cash accounts by placing an “Internal Transfer.” There are a few key details to be aware of:
- Internal transfers are generally completed instantly — meaning if you initiate a transfer between Flourish Cash accounts, you’ll generally see funds move between accounts without any delay
- Internal transfers cannot be edited or canceled. If you change your mind, you can create another transfer in the opposite direction
- As soon as you schedule an internal transfer, those funds will be immediately available for a scheduled withdrawal from the receiving account
- You can create an unlimited number of internal transfers
- There are no fees associated with internal transfers
- There is no limit to the amount you can transfer between accounts, as long as you do not exceed the maximum balance in the receiving account. You can learn more about maximum balances here.
- You can only initiate internal transfers from the account where the funds are coming from
- We will send email notifications to each account owner when an internal transfer is created and completed
- You cannot place internal transfers between personal Flourish Cash accounts and institutional Flourish Cash accounts
- Newly deposited money from an external account will be subject to a 3-business-day hold. You can only transfer these funds internally after the 3-business-day hold