This FAQ applies to Flourish Cash. You can review Flourish Crypto FAQs here.
Yes—we've made it easy to pause SmartBalance transfers, as we understand that you may temporarily want to exceed your “Target Balance” while making a large purchase or initiating a transaction in an external account. To make this easy, we will send you an email approximately 30 hours in advance of each automatic SmartBalance transfer, giving you time to cancel or edit the transfer.
In addition, you can proactively pause or disable SmartBalance for a period of time:
- From the main dashboard, click “Manage” next to the desired Flourish Cash account.
- On the “Activity” page, navigate to the “Pending Transfers” section.
- Click on the “Settings” link found towards the end of the SmartBalance entry.
- Pause SmartBalance: You can pause SmartBalance by clicking on the “Status” field and selecting “Pause.” You can then enter the number of weeks you’d like SmartBalance to be inactive. At the end of that period, SmartBalance will automatically turn back on and move money every two weeks based on the target balance you set.
- Disable SmartBalance: If you want to disable SmartBalance entirely, simply click “Delete SmartBalance.” You can always re-activate it later.
4. Save or confirm your updates before navigating away from this screen.